
2015年5月4日 星期一

ffmpeg create thumbnail from local or remote video. with Ruby on Rails example.

ffmpeg create thumbnail from local or remote video.
Important point is -ss is before input file. If you place after input file And remote video. create thumbnail will very slow.

local video

$ ffmpeg -ss 5.3 -i "/home/ubuntu/video.mpg" -vframes 1 -f image2 "/home/ubuntu/thumbnail.jpg"

remote video

$ ffmpeg -ss 5.3 -i "http://example.com/video.mpg" -vframes 1 -f image2 "/home/ubuntu/thumbnail.jpg"

Ruby on Rails example

hr = %x[ffmpeg -loglevel error -ss #{m[:time_of]} -i \"#{input_file}\" -y -vframes 1 -vf scale='min(#{size}\\, iw):-1' -f image2 \"#{output_file}\" 2>&1]
  • -loglevel error: when error show message.
  • -ss: time offset. need before input file
  • -i: input file
  • -y: force overwrite output file
  • -vframe: Set the number of video frames to output. This is an alias for -frames:v
  • -vf scale='min(#{size}\\, iw):-1': set thumbnail output size.
  • -f image2: For extracting images from a video
  • "output_file": thumbnail output file
  • 2>&1: return error message
